Steve Cotter has booked his flights and accommodation for his upcoming Dublin visit. Now all you need to do is confirm your place on what will be an awesome weekend of training and learning. Steve will be teaching two days of training, the first day will be Bodyweight Focused, and not your everyday press ups and squats, but some truly awesome and challenging moves taken from many influences including the Asian martial arts. Day two will be Kettlebell focused where Steve will share as much of his experience as he can. Considering he was instrumental in creating the RKC certification and has gone on to train under many genuine Master of Sports, he has a lot to teach us.
I’ll be announcing a pre-Cotter kettlebell workshop in the next few days, free of charge to all who have booked onto Steve’s course. This will allow everyone to brush up on their Swing, Clean, Snatch and Jerk.
My little man is now 1 week old and doing great! It seems like yesterday that I was holding my wife’s hand in the delivery room. He was born at 8.10pm weighing 8lb 10oz, so on Monday I offered to give out copies of my Kettlebell manuals free of charge, every day for 8 days I’m giving out 10 copies of the Levels 1,2 &3. To get yours, email me through the contact page and put “Send me the eBook” in the subject line. 20 people already have theirs, get your before it’s too late.
I’ve been asked a good few questions recently about Bodyweight Training and Flexibility. I’ve been covering mobility and flexibility recently on this blog and there’s more to follow. But if there are any questions you specifically want answered, let me know and I’ll help out.
That’s all for today.
Have a good one.