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Writer's pictureDave Hedges

Can you sum up your training in one word?

I recently started a course, I'm back being a student for a bit..

"I think therefore I am...."

On day 1, part of the "ice breaker" segment, we were asked to summarise our training into a single word. Most had no issue with words like "functional" or "HIIT" I sat there, thinking "one word?!?! you want one word?" Eventually it came to me.


Which baffled the instructor, who asked "like movement stuff?" to which I shrugged, "Aye, that'll do"

I train to be more efficient

I want my training to be efficient

I want my exercises to be efficient

I want my use of time to be efficient

I want my body to become more efficient in its motion and use of energy regardless of the task I put it to.

This has been the underlying philosophy of WG-FIT, even before we were called WG-FIT! This goal of training in an efficient manner to become an efficient athlete is how we've always tried to train our clients and members. It's why the majority of our training uses Kettlebells and Bodyweight exercises.

I've never been asked that question before. It was a good question. Now our Seb is running a kettlebell beginners course over 6 weeks. For you, or anyone you know who is looking for a more effective training method, this is for you. It's how to develop strength, mobility and endurance through high effect, low tech training methods that take little time. In fact, some of our most popular sessions are our lunchtime sessions, which fits with making your day as efficient as possible! Here's the link for more information and booking details: Please forward this onto anyone you feel may be interested. Until then. Keep moving Regards Dave Hedges

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