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Mental & Physical Health, a Marriage Made in Heaven

Do you remember last year when I took a 28kg kettlebell and did a mile of walking swings?

Well, myself and the crew of people that joined me on the challenge between us raised over €7k, all of which went to a single mental health support centre and is being spent by the service users on services they need.

This year we’re doing it again.

But we’re making it bigger and more ambitious.

We’ve launched a new website specifically for the event, fundraising and all things mental and physical health related.

I’m looking for people to get involved, not just in fundraising and taking part in the challenge, but providing content on how their Physical Health practice aids their mental well being.

This is the first of these posts, courtesy of Pilates teacher and NMT practitioner Hannah Ryan:

I’m looking for people who are interested in writing or creating video content about how their mental health is buoyed up by their physical health.

If you have a story, get in touch.

If you want to join us on October 7th to take part in The Mighty Mile fundraising event, get in touch!

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I look forward to hearing from you

Dave Hedges

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