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Challenge Workout

Writer's picture: Dave HedgesDave Hedges

Wild Geese clients are some of the most dedicated and determined around.

We like it like this, we actually weed out the ones that can’t hack it, there’s a curves gym down the road and I know a good Zumba teacher for them.

The ones that we keep though are incredible, and often they set the pace in the classes. Last week one of my guys piped up “I fancy doing that 300 challenge, haven’t done that in a while!”

Now this isn’t one of the fighters, or serious athletes that trains here, it was Eoin, an average bloke with above average determination and focus, he came to us just over a year ago as an out of shape former student, still living the student lifestyle. He came to us for that “kick up the arse” and he got it. He liked it, and is now one of most regular guys.

When he asked to do the “300 Challenge” how could we say no?

I wish I could remember which site I stole this from, but it was a little while after the whole 300 movie hype was still floating around. I spotted this workout and immediately added it to the challenge list I keep. If the author of the workout is reading, drop us a comment or an email and I’ll credit you, until then, sorry.

Here’s what it looks like:

* 25x V Ups

* 25x Snatch left

* 25x Snatch right

* 25x Push Ups

* 50x Swings

* 50x Burpees

* 25x Clean & Press left

* 25x Clean & Press right

* 50x Mountain Climbers

This is a timed event, the idea is to get it done as fast as possible. Here are the results from last nights group, and one brave lunchtime warrior who took a crack at it today:

1. Ray – 14m 33, using a 16kg bell Although he later admitted he did the clean & press swapping hands every 5 reps, whereas EVERYONE ELSE did them properly!

2. Linda – 15m 08, using an 8kg bell

3. Padraig – 16m 27, using a 16kg Since taking part in the first of our boot camps, Padraig has been unstoppable!

4. Eoin – 16m 40, using a 16kg It was Eoin’s idea, but he really didn’t look well at the end.

5. Dave G aka the Rasta – 16m 40, using 24kg Our resident Muay Thai coach kicked arse!

6. Me – 17m 26, using a 24kg

7. Imre – 18m 26 using a 20kg Imre is a beast of a man, the least experienced athete in the room, but his spirit in incredible!

8. Mathewe – 20m 16, using a 16kg Mattie, came in today for his lunchtime training and saw the workout still up on the wall, “I’ll have a go of that” he says, he even took the photo as proof.

See if you can beat the times.

Go on, set yourself a challenge. Or you can always take up Zumba instead……….


Dave Hedges

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