It’s finally here!
I’ve talked about it for a couple of years but have been putting it off and off.
A few months ago I promised it was going to happen, and at long last, the wait is over.
It is with great pleasure I announce the launch of my very own official Kettlebell Instructor Certification.
The Kettlebell swing – fire optional.
The whole process of putting this together has been a struggle for me as I have very strong opinions on what an instructor should and should not be. I have watched with a raised eyebrow as people have come to me telling me how they hold a Kettlebell Certification and then when handed a bell have shown me something resembling a car crash.
I’ve had a qualified Physiotherapist come into me after attending one such certification and leaving with her eyes well and truly opened to what proper technique actual looks and more importantly, feels like.
I’ve taken phone calls and received emails from many who have looked around at the current certifications on offer and have contacted me asking if I would certify them.
Until now I’ve always said no.
There has been a couple of gyms that sent their staff to for training with Kettles, they all received a “Certificate of Basic Training”, more a pat on the head than a qualification.
I’ve never been able to get the idea of certifying someone to do what I take so seriously after just a few hours training.
I think I’ve finally come up with a solution though.
A pre-certification course, prior to the certification course.
I expect all who intend to sit my course to attend a one day workshop prior to the cert. This workshop will ensure they have the knowledge to actually train safely with a kettle. If the person is brand new to kettles, this pre-cert workshop will weed them out. They walk away with a good working knowledge of the lifts and an instruction to work damn hard on them if they still intend to go on to the following months Instructor Program. Attendance of this workshop comes with the Certificate of Basic Training (CBT). Holding this CBT entitles you to attempt the next stage, Instructor level. I will take the money paid for the workshop as your booking deposit for the instructor program assuming you are judged capable of moving on.
What will happen on the Instructor course? Well the first thing that will happen is you will take a fitness test to prove that you have spent the time under the iron. Technique will not be assessed here, just fitness. The test is scored, a minimum score is necessary to pass, but you may retest within a month of the course. After this, you will not be beasted, thrashed, trashed and worked to the bone like so many other courses. You won’t have to earn this cert with blood and sweat as others claim theirs is. I expect you to have spent all that prior to coming to me. No I will be looking to engage that all important muscle, those little grey cells that reside between your ears.
Remember the goal of this course, the clue is in the title:
Kettlebell Instructor Certification.
In other words, I need to ensure you have the depth of understanding and the language skills to actually pass these skills down the chain. It’s no good just knowing how to swing a bell, but can you take a raw beginner and get them to swing it safely and effectively? This is what I will give you on this course. I will not make you a good Kettlebell Practitioner, you can come to any of my regular classes at my gym to learn that, no I will make you an Instructor, a Teacher, a Coach.
Teaching is different from performing, this course is about teaching.
You will learn how to teach the key lifts, you will learn about programming the lifts, you will learn about common errors and corrections for them. You will discuss integrating Kettles into a wider training program. Maybe combining bodyweight or barbells with the kettle.
You will learn about movement patterns, breathing techniques and also discuss training philosophy.
After the course you will be set written assignments with a 4 week completion date.
Like I said, this will be a cert for thinking coaches, people with a thirst for understanding the kettle, not just those looking to use it because it’s “cool” or “hardcore”
I honestly believe what I am offering is unique in the current market.
Each segment of the course will earn you points, enough points will get you a pass mark. Too few and you fail. This will all be totally transparent, I will show you your score sheet and discuss where you need to improve upon. Assuming you do pass and receive your cert, your scores will be printed on the cert as well as published on the website. it is in your interest to get the highest score possible (100%).
The Pre Cert is an open workshop, not limited to prospective instructors, but open to all who wish to know more about the kettle This will be run out of my gym on Sunday 8th September 2013 from 1000 – 1600 For more info and to book your ticket, CLICK HERE
The Instructor Cert is pencilled in for October 5th & 6th 2013 from 0900 – 1700 both days. The date and venue will be confirmed this week. Info and Booking details can be found HERE (not: booking this includes a place on the September Workshop)
To get you started, here’s a playlist of free tutorial video from my YouTube page:
If you have any questions or queries on the course and your suitability to attend, please don’t hesitate to ask. Drop me an email or contact me on Facebook.
Dave Hedges