Warm Ups are important, yet misunderstood.
I use several here at WG, but some of the most efficient are the ones used by my Lunch Time crew. The Lunch Time guys are on a tight schedule, they have a limited window in which to get in, get work done and get back to the office. Efficiency is tantamount to these guys, yet why not take a lesson from them? Too much time is spent fluting around in most gyms, too much time wasted on inefficient exercises or even time simply wasted with mindless chit-chat. The gym is the place where you go to get stuff done, it’s not the local coffee shop where you can sit around for a chat. Get in, get out.
To this end I have the crew do a full body calisthenic warm up. Some of these I’ve posted before, but this is the latest one currently in use by the guys:
The sequence is as follows:
3-5 minutes skipping
1 1/2 Squats (Overhead optional) x 10
Bridge x 10 L/R
Reverse Lunge (twist optional) x 10 L/R
Skipping x 100
T-Pose x 10seconds
Pump x 10
“Quick Yoga” x 5 L/R
Hindu Push Up x 10
Skipping x 100
Criss Cross x 10 L/R
Superman x 5 L/R (2-3 sec pause on each rep)
The whole sequence ought to take around 8 minutes and will leave you ready to hit your specific warm up and get rocking.