Do you ever sit and wonder where the time goes?
Today is Friday, it’s almost the weekend and it feels like the last few days never happened! However I can look at my training log and see that I have completed my scheduled training sessions on Mon and Wed, I can look at my other log books and see that I’ve had a dozen or more clients in and I can see exactly what they’ve done and on which day they did it.
So while the week feels like a blur, I can actually see the amount of work done in simple black and white.
Such is the benefit of keeping a log.
It means you never have to guess. I know that on Monday I performed a total of 21 reps in the front squat, the time before that I hit 18. I know that today I have to hit 22+ using the same weight. I can tell you that last friday I missed a workout, I had pain and stiffness that just would not loosen up so instead of the Deadlifts I had planned I did a mobility session. This was all noted in my log book.
I’m going to ask you, do you keep a note of your training?
I’m guessing most of you don’t, you try to remember what it is you did on any given day. I have to tell you, if you’re looking to make improvements in performance, you’d better start writing down your results.
How else do you know if what you’re doing is working as well as you think it is?
Anyhow, this weeks saturday session: It’s going to be a little later as I’ve clients in the morning. So I’ll be in the Phoenix Park, by the old fort (crossing of the Military Road and Khyber Road) for 14.30.
Last week was fun, I’m already looking forward to getting out this weekend.