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Turkish Get Ups for Shoulder Security

We're big fans of the Turkish Get Up at WG-Fit

It's a lift we feature strongly in the our BJJ and Shoulder Rehab programs.

I guess the argument exists that any BJJ program IS a shoulder rehab program!

Have a look at this video taken of Stephen, a BJJ player who after a few months training under Seb's watchful eye has just stood up with the 40kg bell:

With just the right coaching added to existing experience Stephen is able to show great form and control through this lift.

But what is this already strong athlete getting from such a feat?

He is learning to take all that strength and add a great deal of control to it. He's tying everything together in a controlled environment so that he can use it without thought in an uncontrolled environment.

The first section of the movement where he rolls to his shoulder is the key to maximising the effectiveness of this lift, it's also the most often overlooked.

When you roll like this, you open up the anterior shoulder and allow the scapula to slide into it's "nest" of muscular attachements.

The scapula has no less than 17 muscular attachements, 17 muscles, including the all the rotator cuffs, the Lats, the Traps and the rhomboids.

Check this image out to get an appreciation of the amount of muscle the scap has access to:

When you open the front of the shoulder, and the scap nestles into that "nest" it now is well equipped to keep the shoulder safe and secure.

A security you now test with the remainder of the lift that changes the angle of the arm in the shoulder joint as you move through a considerable range of motion, taking a considerable amount of time while under a considerable amount of load.

And that's before we even think about the core, the vestibular system or the proprioception challenges.

(I've never referred to the upper back muscles as a "nest" ffo the scapula, but I really like that as an analogy, I think I'll keep it)


Dave Hedges

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