Didn’t do much today, thought it best to have a back off day after yesterday.
Most of what I did was with the classes: With the Tuesday beginners class I did:
1A: Press ups 3 x 30sec 1B: 24kg Goblet Squats 3 x 30sec
2A: Plank 3 x 30s 2B: 24kg Alternating Lunge 3 x 30sec
I didn’t do the 3rd pair as i had to pay particular attention to a couple of guys. We then kicked of the Combat Conditioning class with deadlifts, I did the following:
110kg x 3, 120kg x 3, 130kg x 3, 140kg x 3, 150kg x 3
As the guys hit the circuit i grabbed a 32kg kettle and banged out 1 arm long cycle on the same timer they were following (20sec work, 10sec rest) x 8 x 3
Dave www.wg-fit.com