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The Devil is in the details

You’ve heard the saying “The Devil is in the details”

This is what I’m trying to point out during my instagram one minute tutorials I’ve been putting out of late.

Here’s the latest one:

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A post shared by Dave Hedges (@dave_hedges) on Mar 21, 2019 at 5:36am PDT

With time being such a valuable commodity, we really should be trying to get the absolute maximum return from our efforts.

Unless are a pro / semi-pro athlete, you most likely don’t have the time (or energy) to be wasting on half measures. Even if you do have the time, why would you?

And if you’re a pro/semi-pro, you’re only in the gym for assistance work anyway, your primary focus should be your sport.

So with this in mind, it makes absolute sense to look into the body and how it works, or better yet, hire a coach who has done that already and can pass that along. Once we have an idea of how the joints act, the muscles align and an appreciation f the constant dance of tension and relaxation within the body, we can then choose the exercises that best suit, and the best way to perform those exercises to suit even better.

The Squatting T-Spine drill above is a perfect example. If you need to free up the upper back, get some length into the pec minor, fire up the rhomboids, allow the hip flexors relax and get some ankle dorsi-flexion, then this is for you.

Look how many boxes we’ve just ticked with one drill.

The way we commonly see the drill performed with the arm internally rotating misses out at least half those boxes simply because of missing out on a small detail.

Now, this drill is merely one such example.

But also consider the Kettlebell Snatch. By adding a small detail to a lifters Kettlebell Snatch we have in the past added efficiency that resulted in 25% more reps. From one simple detail.

The trick though is in paying attention while performing the exercises.

You can’t just go through the motions of lifting or moving.

You have to be checking yourself to ensure you are applying the details.

And to do this you can’t overload.

You must start with the basic shape of an exercise, then gradually fill in the details, get one, then get the next, then the next. We call this deliberate practice and it is the only true route to mastery.

Master the exercises and you will begin to figure out how they are vehicles to help you master yourself.


Dave Hedges

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