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Principles, Fundamentals and Workshops

The blog’s been a bit bare this week, but that’s because I’ve been flat out busy.

Which is a nice complaint.

And it’s not going top slow down anytime soon, as you’ll see if you scroll down this post to the workshops section.

Earlier this week I was invited out to Elite Fitness and Performance in Blackrock to teach part of their In House staff training.

The Elite Fitness & Performance crew and me

The topics were Breathing, Shoulder Mobility and Indian Clubs. Three topics that each could be take up a whole day, distilled into just a couple of hours.

There’s no way we could cover all three elements in detail, but what we aimed for was getting across an appreciation of the fundamental principles.

When we teach and learn from the perspective of principles, we can then take those into any scenario we want. Which was evidenced by the guys in the room, all coaches, having lightbulb moments and asking great questions on how they may apply this info.

For this to happen it requires invested interest from the participants, genuine inquiry from them. When we get it as a presenter, it means the workshop can go anywhere. Participants who sit back and wait to be spoonfed information or are hung up on specifics and details will always struggle.

But principle based inquiry is where it’s at.

This has been made very clear to me in my recent foray into swimming. Next summer I intend to take on a swimming challenge, a first for me, swimming isn’t something I’ve ever trained. But over the last few weeks I’ve been asking my triathletes and swimmer that train with me endless questions, to which they’ve been more than happy to answer.

And I’m drawing the parallels between my land based movement and the water based movement, looking for the common principles and making great progress.

From movement perspective, our base line, the commonality that binds all actions regardless of sport or activity is the human body, most notably the central nervous system. And the two most fundamental actions that our body wants to do are:

Walking and Breathing.

Any action, and new skill, any new sport can be brought back to the gait cycle (walking) and the breath cycle.

Now, look around you, look at yourself. How many people walk smoothly, in full control (think of a feline type smoothness) How many breath in a relaxed manner commensurate with their activity level?

Right, gotta run, more on this in future blog posts.

But for now…..

Upcoming Workshops:

Yuri Marmerstein, 2 Day Hand Balance, Flexibility, and Acrobatics Seminar, WG-Fit, October 13-14th

Join world famous Acrobat and Hand Balancer Yuri Marmerstein for this incredible 2 day workshop. Yuri will be teaching the principles and concepts that you can use to develop your handstand practice, flexibility and acrobatic movement. All levels are welcome, there are no prerequisites to this course. An early bird price is available up until September 1st Facebook event: Shop page:

Shoulder Health & Rehab with Dave Hedges and Andrew Bellamy October 20th, Brighton, UK Join Us and explore some practical understanding of the functional anatomy of the shoulder, how to spot and prevent problems

developing and what to do if they have. This practical teaching session is led by Andrew Bellamy (Veteran Osteopath & Kettlebell Lifter), and Dave “Improving Human Efficiency” Hedges, of Wild Geese Fitness Training, whose vast experience in martial arts, physical assessment, kettlebell sport and training with Indian Clubs will enrich your understanding of this complex series of joints. The practical focus will be on Indian Clubs, the efficient use of this ancient tool and how to get the greatest value from them.

£60 per head – PayPal to Facbook event page:

Indian Clubs & Upper Body Mobility, Command Fitness, Waterford, December 1st & 2nd

Day 1: Upper body mobility Mobilise each joint in the Upper Bpdy including the Fingers, Wrists, Shoulders and Spine. Learn why good breathing mechanics is vital for shoulder health Learn principle based strategies you may add into any training plan to improve it’s effect and keep you training for the rest of your life.

Day 2: Indian Clubs Learn the 3000 year old training tool that has had a resurgence in popularity. Club swinging helps open up the upper body, promote shoulder mobility and will help keep you healthy and moving well. We use the Heroic Sport Pahlavandles for Indian Clubs, which are included in the cost of the workshop so you may take yours home and start practising immediately.

PRICE Two days €130 One day €85 Please click the link for payments

Regards Dave Hedges

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