The pump exercise is a must for just about every human animal on the planet.
It’s essentially Yoga’s Up and Down Dog positions.
With this being such a global movement it’s easy to play around within it to explore your movements, find tension and stimulate various lines of pull.
We can emphasise: Calves Hamstrings Spinal Extension Hip extension Shoulder Flexion and Extension Chest opening Scapula movement Serratus Anterior strength Core Strength
The list goes on.
In my gym, I use it as a screen as it is such a catch all it can show up several issues to watch for. I also use it with many people who need to develop better scapula control, particularly those involved in the combat sports.
For yourself, it’s a great fit for your warm up, usually the early part. But it’s also perfect following any period of inactivity, just as your dog or cat would take a moment to stretch in an almost identical fashion to this.
I’ve shot two videos on this, a quick and dirty One Mimute Tutorial for the instagram (search the othe one minute tutorials I’ve done with the hashtag #OMT ) and a more detailed, less rushed YouTube clip.
Here’s the #OMT
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A post shared by Dave Hedges (@dave_hedges) on Mar 11, 2019 at 4:02am PDT
And this is the more detailed YouTube version:
And finally, here is a demo of me running through some variations on our “Quick Yoga” that you can hopefully see is based on this Pump movement
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A post shared by Dave Hedges (@dave_hedges) on Nov 30, 2018 at 3:32am PST
As you can see this is a very versatile exercise that you can keep very simple and dial in to achieve a specific outcome. Or it’s a great drill to add complexity to for a spot of exploration or development of your movement vocabulary.
Be careful with this if you have a current shoulder injury, the Down Dog position may well be too extreme for you at the moment. If that’s the case case, get yourself assessed to see what movements you should be doing.
Dave Hedges