Hi All,
Today’s Monday Mobility is an important stretch for the hip. I was down in Tramore Tactical Fitness over the weekend presenting a workshop and this came up during the day. The guys asked me to do a video, so here it is.
Basically we’ve a thing called the hip capsule. It’s a group of ligaments that hold the leg in the hip socket. When these ligaments tighten for whatever reason, it can lead to whole host of problems, from poor mobility to a decline in posture and potentially arthritis.
So it’s a good idea to keep it loose.
Most stretch their hip with the pigeon pose or similar. And this if fine, but by taking it standing and being more conscious of the angles, we can pinpoint the stretch. When Andy Watson, our physiotherapist first showed me this he was very specific about the leg being at 90 degrees to the body. A position that, unless you are already very flexible is very hard to get on the floor.
Here’s the video:
We’ll have another instalment for you next week, but if you have any questions on mobility you’d like answered, like the lads in Tramore, feel free to drop me a line.
Dave Hedges www.WG-Fit.com