Got to thinking, since my last post.
Legends, hero’s people we aspire to emulate, people we look to for motivation. I’m going to list a few of mine, most of whom you’ll never of heard of because they’re not huge names and TV stars, although there are a couple you will know. If you read this, add a few of your own in the comments section.
1 – Jack Parker, St Martins Jnr Karate Club, Lancaster Jack is my karate instructor. 20 years ago I walked into his club and donned a white belt, I still call him my instructor and remember the lessons and the many kicks up the arse he handed out. I believe that if my life would have taken a very different path without Jack and St Martin’s Junior Karate Club.
2 – Chef Ward, Kewick, Cumbria Chef Ward was a runner, he used to constantly ask about my runs, times, distances etc. And on the odd occasion that we’d enter the same road or fell race, he’d always say to me at the start “I reckon you can do this in such and such a time” to which I’d reply “nah, that’s too quick” And you know what, he was usually right.
3 – Mr Charles, Keswick, Cumbria Mr Charles, a tall skinny old school Maitre’d. He used to work the legs of every single member of staff, not one of the waiters most of whom were less than half his age could keep up with him. Mr Charles would cycle the 4 miles to and from work twice a day for breakfast and dinner services. He never stopped. I hope I have his stamina when I get to that age.
4 – Lance Armstrong You’ve all heard of him. How can a man come back from the jaws of death and not only rebuild his life but also become the 7 times champion of the worlds most gruelling event. Oh, he’s planning a comeback!
5 – Steve Redgrave Sir Steve, a man amongst men. He has a host of physiological disadvantages, most famous of which is his diabetes, yet he still pulled it out time and again on the water. Rowing is an extremely tough sport, requiring massive amounts of strength, stamina and determination. He defies logic, the man has no limits.
6 – Paul Cox, the other half of the Wild Geese Paul Cox has more career ending injuries than you can shake a stick at, yet does he stop? Read what the Filipino’s think of him, and they don’t know the half. Click here for the article
7 – Tim Clarke Ever meet a bloke who has so much energy and enthusiasm you want to slap him? Well thats Tim. With grit, determination and a cheeky smile here’s a guy who took himself from being a skint backpacker to a retired financially free jet setter, and he’s still in his 30’s. If I didn’t like him, I’d bloody hate him, but he showed me whats possible and motivated me to follow my dreams and become a freelance trainer and create the Wild Geese organisation.
8 – My Missus, She listens to my whining and whinging then tells me to man up and get on with it. I wouldn’t have achieved half of what I have over the last couple of years with out her constant nagging.
9 – My Dad When we were skint and times were tough, he never gave up and constantly did his damnedest to ensure we had a full fridge. Thankfully he’s enjoying the fruits of his labour and is a successful Hypnotherapist. Check him out (and my artwork) on,uk
10 – My clients, Students and subscribers Because without you guys, there wouldn’t be a Wild Geese Martial Arts, or a Wild Geese Personal Training. Here’s to you.
All the best
Dave Wild Geese every cause but our own