Welcome to Wild Geese.
Yes, I know the training area is barren, but that’s how we like it.
After all, we are training bodies, people, not equipment.
Over there is the squat cage and the kettlebells. And that area beside it, we call that Cripple Corner.
Helping out a Muay Thai fighter in Cripple Corner
And yes, it gets a lot of use.
You see the average (is there such a thing) Wild Geese client isn’t your normal human being.
They’re usually that bit more adventurous.
Most are or have been involved in one or more of the following:
Combat Sports & Martial Arts
Contact Sports
Extreme Sports
Kettlebell Sports
Something else where getting hurt is considered normal.
And that’s the way we like it.
It also means we have a massive need for cripple corner.
It’s where we put the broken people, it’s where we do our Anatomy in Motion. It’s also where hard charging athletes spend time rebuilding themselves.
They do things in there that look different, look odd. They may be boring and repetitive.
But come back in a few weeks time and you’ll see the progress they’ve made.
We don’t have “injured people” although we do have “people with injuries”
Everyone still comes in and trains.
14 months in Cripple Corner, From Crutches to BJJ Gold
The people with injuries just train hard on the things they CAN do while working to rebuild the things they can’t do at the moment.
As much as I love all the training we do in Wild Geese, cripple corner and the going son in there holds a special place in my heart, and those that have spent time there.
There’s no shame in being hurt.
At Wild Geese we wear our scars with pride.
That’s me, checkout the clavicle on the left of the image (it’s my right)
It only matters how you deal with injury.
Are you prepared to regress in order to progress.
Will you put the hours in in cripple corner, or will you rush back into full training?
Will you choose to stop, or will you be forced to stop?
Or worse yet, will you quit entirely.
That isn’t the Wild Geese way.
Dave Hedges www.WG-Fit.com