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Writer's pictureDave Hedges

Going Green or Seeing Red…….

It’s the day after Paddy’s Day (dear american friends, please note the spelling) and I expect a few of you are suffering with the after effects of over indulgence.


If you are, well fair play, I hope you had a fun, enjoyable and safe night out on the day the whole world turns green.

Personally, I’m no fan of Paddy’s day or other such public piss ups.

When out in public on days/nights like these I turn a very different shade of green and not the type you want to be around.


Maybe it’s just my unsociable nature or maybe it’s got something to do with my previous employment before I opened Wild Geese?

You see from the age of 18 I worked in pubs, bars and hotels. When I came to Dublin in 2001 I started working as a doorman, a job that paid enough money for few enough hours that allowed me to train pretty much full time.

I worked the doors for over 10 years. Mostly in Dublin, but also in Arinsal, Dubai, Canberra and the Gold Coast.

Thankfully I managed to retire from that life around the time my first born came into this world nearly 7 years ago.

Over that time I saw the best and worst of people. Mostly the worst. It seemed that the “nicer” or more “respectable” the crowd the more chance of petty violence, fist thrown over stupid reasons and all too often an innocent member of the public getting caught up in the crossfire. Sure in the less salubrious places we had kick off’s too, but those guys took their fighting more seriously as they understood the stakes a bit better, so from my point of view it never seemed so bad.

But watching and seeing this type of behaviour, especially on public celebrations such as Paddy’s day makes me sad. When an innocent is caught in the crossfire, or is targeted for no reason, or is targeted as a victim of crime, well that pisses me of. I get angry.

And you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.


So I stepped away and now deal with people who fight for sport, with referees and rules most of the time.

But I still teach self defence training for those that may have to fight without a ref, without rules.

Usually in the format of one or two day self defence workshops, or as private or small group clients.

I’m running once such event on April 19th in Wild Geese. A 1 Day Self Defence course covering the most basic and fundamental self defence skills. Of course 1 day of training isn’t enough to become truly effective, but it is enough time to give you the start point, the tools to take away and work on, to sharpen and keep handy.

For full details of the course content and for booking information, please click on the image or link below:


Click the image or follow this link for more info:


Dave Hedges

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