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Writer's pictureDave Hedges

GDPR and stuff

Right, today is GDPR day.

I’m pretty sure there’s something else important happening today in Ireland, but according to the Internet it’s important we talk about GDPR.

Here’s the thing, this list has always been set to double opt in.

At the bottom of every email there is an option to unsubscribe.

If you want out, scroll to the bottom and you’ll see it.

What about if you stay, whay happens to the info I have on you?


I use mailchimp for these emails, I’ve had a look and this is what I know about you:

Your Name

When you subscribed

If you’re a member of WG-FIT or not

If you are, then I should have an address and a few bits that are essential both for the insurance and if you crock yourself and I have to call an ambulance.

And that’s it.

What is more important is the info you give social media.

Photos, location and personal info etc.

I’d say to be more careful of how much of yourself you give away you give there.

I talk about guarding yourself on the self defence courses I teach.

While we’re talking about how you physically present yourself to the world, your body language especially and how a simple adjustment of how you present yourself can have an affect on whether a bad guy “selects” you or not.

Here’s the whiteboard from the end of my recent course in Dublin:

This is the board from the final session of the way to short self defence course I was asked to run for parents at my kids school. Because of the strict time restraints, we had to keep it very simple and yeast the course as an introduction to a range of topics that attendees should go out and study themselves. George Thompson’s Verbal Judo book should be on everybody’s reading list. I was delighted when i mentioned the book to the group today after talking about it a few weeks ago, they’d ALL looked it up, some have it on order, others downloaded the kindle and 1 had found Thompson’s YouTube channel. They were giving me reports on how they had been practicing the breathing drills, reports on the awareness training games I’d given them. But one thing still stood out. Physicality Being physically capable is essential. You must build a bigger engine, producing more horsepower for longer. Strength, mobility and endurance, both in body and mind are critical for a fulfilled existence and even more so if you find yourself in a self defence scenario. Train. Train with a purpose. #wgfamily #irishfitfam #selfdefence #martialarts #strength #mobility #endurance #verbaljudo

A post shared by Dave Hedges (@dave_hedges) on May 22, 2018 at 2:55am PDT

The same can be said of your online presence

Be cautious how much you give away and to who you give it to.

If its online, assume the whole world can see you.

Anyhow, enjoy your Friday.

I might be talking to you again soon, unless of course you unsubscribe.


Dave Hedges

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