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For Any Cause But Our Own

War-battered dogs are we,

Fighters in every clime;

Fillers of trench and of grave,

Mockers bemocked

War-dogsby time. hungry and grey,

Gnawing a naked bone,

Fighters in every clime

Every cause but our own

From "Clare Coast" as part of the "With the Wild Geese" poems by Emily Lawless

It is with great sadness that we must finally close our doors.

Leo Vradkar has asked all non essential business to close until the current Covid-19 pandemic is brought under control

Details here:

And as Wild Geese, we are fighters.

And the best way to fight right here, right now is observe this request and ask the few members who are still attending WG-FIT to stay home.

And while we have done everything we could, the gym has never been cleaner, members have joined in by cleaning their own kit after use as well as observing social distancing within our walls, it is no longer enough.

Now, many of you have already borrowed equipment to use at home.

Any one else who wishes must contact Seb directly.

He has set up a WhatsApp group, if you are a current member and want his number to join the group and request kit, contact us through the messaging service here.

Now it's not all sadness and loss.

I'm going to rearrange the membership packages and booking on the site to reflect the way the service must now run.

Long story short, we want to bring WG to you through the power of the interwebz.

Skype, zoom, email, the various contact options built into the WG-Fit site are all there to help us stay in touch.

Most of you already are on the TrainHeroic service which is a bespoke online training platform.

So, let's use this stuff.

Let's get comms going between you, me and Seb so that you can continue to get the fitness, health and performance results that you deserve.

Let's hear from you

Chat soon


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