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Fighters For Life Charity Event

The following is a message from Paul O’Leary, read through and then please get in touch.


Hello Fellow Irish Martial Artists,

We would like to draw your attention to a special charity martial arts event run by members of Martial Arts Ireland, Irelands independent martial arts forum on the 8th of March 2008 in University College Dublin, in aid of Cystic Fibrosis research and healthcare in Ireland. The Event will kick off at 10am and run until 4pm.

Some of you may or may not know that 2 of my 3 kids have a genetic condition called cystic fibrosis.

here is a little bit about the condition… What is Cystic Fibrosis ?Cystic Fibrosis (also called mucoviscidosis) is Ireland’s most common life-threatening inherited disease. Approximately 1 in 19 people are carriers of the CF gene and where two carriers parent a child together, there is a 1 in 4 chance of the baby being born with Cystic Fibrosis.

CF affects the glands, damaging many organs including the lungs, the pancreas, the digestive tract and the reproductive system. It causes a thick sticky mucus to be produced, blocking the bronchial tubes and preventing the body’s natural enzymes from digesting food.

Cystic Fibrosis primarily affects the lungs and the digestive system.A build up of mucus can make it difficult to clear bacteria and leads to cycles of lung infections and inflammation, which can eventually lead to damage of the lungs.CF can also make it difficult to digest and absorb adequate nutrients from food. Mucus blocks the duct of the pancreas, preventing enzymes from reaching the intestines to digest food.As a result, persons with CF must consume artificial enzymes with food, to help them absorb adequate nutrition from their food. They must also follow a demanding daily routine of physical therapy to keep the lungs free of congestion and infection.

Additional organ systems involved are the reproductive tract and the sweat glands. Other organ systems may be involved to leser degrees.

The result is that people with CF are prone to constant chest infections and malnutrition. However as therapeutic options have expanded over the last decade, significant advances have been achieved in both life expectancy and quality of life.

When a person with CF gets sick they require an instant responce from there health team. these teams are very under funded and as you move out of the capital the government support wains. often one nurse is required to visit patients as well as run clinics and hospital treatments. staff like physios and nutritionists have to be co-funded by the HSE and the public. this is where i am coming at this subject!!

What we have put together is an all day multi-style seminar event. With 3 to 4 styles teaching at the same time with a groups working in rotation. This event is firstly for Charity and secondly for a show of fellowship between the Irish Martial Arts community!

Instructors who have signed up so far are…

AoDenkouJitsu/Kyusho Jitsu – Paul o’Leary : Paul has been practicing Martial Arts for 20 years spending much of that time in TaeKwon-Do, with some time in Hapkido and Kung Fu. Now he trains under Prof Rick Clark and is the chief co-ordinator for Prof Clark and his AoDenkou Kai in Ireland. Paul will teach practical uses for pressure points and show how movements in Kata/Hyung/Kuen can be used to give you a way to intergrate many techniques into your own self defence. Also this will be a follow on from his “Whats The Point?” articles run in “Irish Fighter” magazine. Paul runs the “Martial Arts Ireland” forum with Jon Mackey as a place free from politics where Irish Martial Artists can gather and exchange ideas.

TaeKwon-Do – Jon Mackey : Jon is the Chief Instructor at the Pilsung Taekwon-Do Academy and is the co-administrator of the “Martial Arts Ireland” forum. He has been training since he was 8 years old in 1985. Although Taekwon-Do is his first love Jon also likes to cross train in other martial arts, and has studied Brazilian Jujitsu, Full Contact Kickboxing and is a trainee instructor under Lee Morrison in street self protection/combatives. This session will be on kicking drills for leg power including some sparring drills.

Kyokushin Budokai – Shane Thomas : Shane first set foot in a Dojo (martial arts training centre) when he was just 8 years old and this was to be the start of a life-long virtual obsession with the martial arts. Shane is active as a professional Mixed Martial Arts Fighter in Ireland and Europe, and serves as a referee, judge and competitor of the Ultimate Fighting Revolution. He is currently ranked 1. Dan Judo, 2. Dan Kyokushin, 2. Dan Kyokushin Budokai (All Round Fighting), 2. Dan Ronin All Round Fighting and 3. Dan Sensei of the Sei Budokai (assoc. World Martial Arts Association). In August 2007, Shane completed the infamous “50 Man Kumite”. This is a test of skill and endurance usually reserved for 4. Dan Black Belts. Despite this, Shane chose to participate whilst still a 1. Dan Black Belt. Website:

Filipino Martial Arts – Wild Geese Martial Arts – Dave Hedges & Paul Cox : Wild Geese Martial Arts are the Irish Representaives of Doce Pares International, Danny Guba Doce Pares Eskrima and Rapid Arnis. The Wild Geese method is based around the concept that one weapon is all weapons. This leads to a concept driven method whereby common principles can be applied regardless of what you or your opponent(s) are using, be it empty hand, blunt or edged weapons. Taking drills and experience from notable masters such as Shay McNamee, Pat O’Malley, Danny Guba, Dionisio Canete, Nick Elizar and many more we can offer practical training for the civilian looking for self defence, the professional working in a high threat zone or the recreational martial artsist. Website:

Filipino Martial Arts – Warriors Escrima – Shane o’Neill & John Hoey: This style of Filipino martial art was founded by Grand Master Abner Pasa of Cebu. It is based on his training with other Masters of the Filipino arts including Eulogio Canete, Vicente Karin, Laborio Herosa, Larry Alcuizar, Tanny del Campo and other masters of the Filipino martial arts. The style is also based on his real life experiences of having to defend himself using the arts he had learned. Shane has been involved with the Filipino Martial arts since 1996. John also began Filipino Martial Arts in 1998 & had previously done other martial arts like Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, Wing Tsun & Silat.

Defend U – Maeve Darcy & Ray Butcher : Defend University is a research and development group dedicated to the exploration of leading edge techniques and strategies for self-defence, security and defensive tactics. The emphasis of the group is on exploring methods which are not style specific and offer the best chances for success by the user whether in the performance of professional duties or as a private citizen concerned with personal protection. There are 3 campuses Phoenix, New York and Ireland.Ray Butcher has more than 30 years experience in martial arts (Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Karate and Judo) with international experience training in Japan, Australia, France, Germany , the United States and the UK. He is a 3rd dan in Aikido and a two stripe blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.Ray is the head instructor of Defend U Ireland. As a full time Instructor he travels around Ireland teaching Self Defence in Schools, Colleges and Corporate Bodies. He teaches Defensive Tactics and Control & Restraint Classes to members of the Garda Síochána, Security personnel and the Health sector.He teaches regular classes in Aikido and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Swords, Co. Dublin and Fairview, Dublin 3.Maeve has 12 years experience in martial arts (Aikido and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) with international experience training in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic and the United States.She is a black belt in Aikido, a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and a certified Control and Restraint/Defensive Tactics instructor. She is a full time instructor and specialises in Women’s Self Defence. Website: http://http/

KO Martial Arts – Mixed Martial Arts – Barry Oglesby: Barry started his martial arts training with Tae Kwon Do, going on to gain 2nd degree black belt in this Korean striking art. During this time he began to coach and seek out other fighting methods which led to Boxing, Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Eventually, the style which he was coaching began to alter and so he quit Tae Kwon Do for good and formed an Affiliated Training Group with Straight Blast Gym. My coaching methods are for more influenced by sports rather than martial arts. I try to make every session fun and educational whether I’m teaching an adult or a child. I’m always open to questions and queries and some of my best coaches have been inquisitive students as they’ve made me ask questions of myself. KO Martial Arts is my brainchild- I wanted to make a gym where people could reach their athletic potential in Martial Arts, but not to make it elitist or only for the “tough”. I’ve always like the SBG Ireland motto- “Tough isn’t how you act, tough is how you train”. I believe anyone is capable of learning and training in effective, realistic martial arts. Barry will be teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and showing some of his coaching methods for his kids classes.

More coaches and instructors to be added.

All instructors are giving there time and skills free of charge. Seminar attendees are requested to donate 50 euro each to the event although more can be given if individuals so wish.

Please forward this email to your Martial Arts friends who may wish to take part in this event or just to support us.

Find out more on Martial Arts Ireland

Also mobile 086-3545032.

Thanks for your support!

Yours in Martial Arts,

Paul o’Leary

———————————————————————————- So get involved and show your support for this great cause.

Keep an eye open for updates

Wild Geese Martial Arts any cause but our own

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