Being part of a performance team
Be that a sports team
A club
An S&C centre specialising in Performance
It's like being in a family
Opening Wild Geese was about creating a family environment
We have lads on income painterstpaintersbeside raining and decorators training beside company execs
And no one cares
Because in the training environment, everyone is struggling equally
The Champion athlete is putting in the same effort as the as the out of shape beginner.
Yes the training looks very different
But the effort is the same
And this is recognised
The respect is mutual
And while the beginner might be looking at the advanced guys like they're gods
The advanced guys are looking at the beginners working their arses off and they are are taking motivation and encouragement from that
Serious athletes don't look down on beginners
They respect them, they need them
This creates a family
A family that doesn't exist in basic gyms
Where people one up each other
No real family support each other
They bouy each other up
They celebrate every small win
Wether that win is a first ever push up or a Championship medal
Find a family
And you'll find a good coach
You'll never feel isolated
Dave Hedges