Hi Guys,
I’m looking for your support.
Last year I did some work with REHAB Care, a support group that help people with Mental Illness. You know, the kind of illness you can’t see but affects a huge amount of those around you.
The Government, in their infinite wisdom ahs decided to reduce the funding to this group. Funding which they rely on heavily to pay for courses and activities for their clients. They came to Wild Geese for a self-defence course, it turns out they absolutely loved the course and nearly every one of the guys and girls that took part have been pestering to know when it can be run again.
Must be something about hitting things really hard and getting all your frustrations and aggressiveness out of your system….
So, Nessa (the boss lady) came in and asked if I would help with a fundraising event. I agreed and this is where you all come in.
On Saturday February 19th, I will attempt something that is probably a little nuts.
I will attempt to perform 1 mile of walking kettlebell swings along Sandymount Strand. 1 mile is 1.6km, which is a little over 1600 paces or 1600 kettlebell swings.
As far as I’m aware, this kind of event has never been done before.
Some of my regulars will be taking part with me, some are forming teams to work the mile as a relay / tag team event. I’m not sure if any are willing to go the full mile with me yet.
I’ve to sort out some of the final details, but all going well we can collect enough sponsorship to pay for several courses for this overlook and often ignored subset of our population.
Keep an eye out on this blog as I will give out details for you to make donations and download a sponsorship form for you to take around your friends and family.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dave www.wg-fit.com