It’s a big day for the Irish Kettlebell Lifting scene today.
Today there are a small group of lifters from all over Ireland making their way to latvia to take part in an international kettlebell sport meet. These guys represent the first official Irish Squad to take part in one of these events. Yes, there’s been individuals, but this time is actually a team made of lifters coming out of Wexford, Galway, Dublin and more.
More importantly, one of the lifters comes out of here, he’s representing Wild Geese. He’s already made Wild Geese proud, now he just has to make the country proud!
So to Phil and the rest of the team, I wish you all the best of luck.
On a similar note, our friend James Fennely of Fennely Fitness, Kilkenny, is also creating a sporting first for this small nation. James is currently out in LA where he is taking part in the World’s Strongest Man competition. He’s the first Irishman to reach the WSM.
In all the doom and gloom of the countries political and financial mess, it’s great to have inspiring athletes like Phil, the Irish Kettlebell Squad and James all out there ripping it up.
See you all when you get back, now go get ’em!