I hate warming up.
I understand it’s a vital part of training, and I’m incredibly particular about how my clients warm up.
But when it comes to my own training, it’s just not something I ever enjoyed or dialled in as a habit.
Terrible I know!
I’m the coach, I should be doing everything perfect. But that aint the truth, and any coach that pretends to be perfect is filling you full of shit.
So in my own warm ups I set a timer.
I set it for 10 minutes.
In that 10 minutes I move. I move in a manner that will open up my body and prepare it for the heavier work to come.
I don’t structure my warm ups, I’ve enough experience to go by feel.
Yesterday I was warming up for a Squat workout.
I was doing a particular drill that I “invented” after attending the Anatomy in Motion courses.
After posting it up on Instagram and Facebook I’ve been innundated with comments, likes and shares.
But only one question.
The question was from a fellow coach, Mark Smith of Asylum Fitness in South Carolina.
He was the only person to ask how to build into this drill.
And that concerns me.
I hate to think that people copy the shit I do, in the exact way I do it, with no concept of how to apply it to their own body.
Here’s what I shared, be sure to read the description:
A video posted by Dave Hedges (@dave_hedges) on Sep 23, 2015 at 8:16am PDT
Did you read it?
I’m using a 10kg plate to do a drill that requires me to decelerate hip and spinal flexion.
Now consider that for the average persons spine.
How well do you think they would handle that?
Short answer, not very well.
Which is why I state that while I am using a 10kg weight, thats still 10kg more than I advise anyone to start with.
Start by copying the step back, pulling the big toe towards the knee cap.
Then add a sinking of the chest,
Then reaching for the toes.
Then be sure that you feel the calf and hamstring take the strain, not the low back.
Yes the low back is rounding, but the whole of the spine is flexing so the stress should be spread through the entire structure.
Then, and only then can you add a small bit of weight.
And keep that weight small.
No, smaller than that.
And then add the pass around the head.
Get it?
Got it?
Do NOT try to copy the shit you see people doing online, even me.
Most people online are showing off.
You have to work at your level.
But given time, this exercise will become a staple in your arsenal.
It opens up the calves, hamstrings, the popletius muscle, the low back and the thoracic spine. And that can’t be a bad thing.
But if you jump in too hard too soon and blow out your back, it’ll do you no good what so ever.
Of course I’d love to work you through this in person, even via skype.
Give me a shout here: http://wg-fit.com/wp/contact/
Dave Hedges www.wg-fit.com
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