1 Mile of Walking Swings – could you do it? Click the image to download the pdf poster
1 Mile is 1600 meters. (1609.344 to be precise)
An average stride length is 0.762 metres
This means that it takes approx 2112 steps to cover a mile.
The American College of Sports Medicine reports that there are approximately 2,000 steps in one mile (thanks to livestrong.com for that tidbit)
Now imagine swinging a kettlebell each and every time you take a step.
That’s a total of 2000 swings to be done as you walk.
Do that with a 16kg bell and you’ll have lifted 33,792kg’s or close to 34 metric tonnes. That’s what I did last year and in doing so, with some help from the Wild Geese team, we raised €5000. It took just under an hour to complete and was described by James Fennelly, owner of Fennelly Fitness in Kilkenny and Ireland’s Strongest man, as “An incredible display of mental strength”
It looked like this:
This year I intend to use a 24kg bell, which will work out at 50,688kg or 51 metric tonnes and it will still take less than an hour to complete.
This time a few of my guys will also be taking on the mile with the weight of their choice, as well as a few teams who will divide the challenge into 4 man relay’s.
I need you to help us in reaching the €5k mark.
If you want to help out, and I’m sure you do, you have three options:
Collect a sponsor card from me and berate everyone you know into handing over cash
Collect a sponsor card AND join us on the day, you’ll still be berating everyone you know, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of completing a challenge very few people in the world have ever even attempted.
Simply click through to my online fund-raising page, you’ll need a credit or debit card handy. Once you’ve sponsored us, share the page round everyone you know and berate them for cash.
Whichever option you take, you still have the easy option. Yes, even if you join me on the mile, it’s still the easy option.
The guys who we are fundraising for are the ones with the tough end of the stick. The charity is a support centre for Mental Health. I’ve been lucky enough to work with the guys in the centre and have them come to Wild Geese for both group and 1 on 1 sessions. I’ve also accompanied them on day trips. It is these guys that we are handing the money too, no third party, no “administration fees” or any of the other nonsense that goes along with many fundraising events. If you come along on the day I’ll introduce you personally to the guys and they can tell you first hand the difference the money will make to them.
The event will take place:
Location – Irishtown Stadium Date – 1st September 2012 Time – 1300hrs MyCharity page link – http://www.mycharity.ie/event/dave_hedgess_event/
Map to stadium:
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=irishtown+stadium&oe=utf-8&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&hq=irishtown+stadium&hnear=&t=m&ll=53.339957,-6.220268&spn=0.006295,0.006295&output=embed&w=425&h=350]