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Infection Prevention and Control Procedure for Wild Geese during the COVID-19 Pandemic


This document does not replace existing health and safety regulations or other legal obligations for Wild Geese Fitness Training.

It is intended to supplement existing infection prevention and control guidance by providing information around specific concerns relating to COVID-19.

It is important for clients using the facility and for those who deliver the coaching and training services to accept that no interpersonal activity is without risk of transmission of infection at any time.


This document will provide information of the procedures and daily practice of coaches and their clients within our service.

Annual membership of €50 is required to be paid to enter and use of the facility of Wild Geese. For more details talk to your coach.

  • All training sessions are pre booked and time slots are confirmed by the coaches.

  • Clients to take off shoes when in the reception and changing them to flip flops or sandals.

  • No walks in until further notice.

  • All coaches/instructors are obliged to introduce this policy to their students/clients and ensure their compliance with said policy

  • All clients attending any Wild Geese classes will need to sign in at the reception; name, surname and contact number for the purpose of contact tracing in the case of COVID-19 infection.

  • Tissues and hand sanitisers / hand gel on the training floor and antibacterial wipes provided for clients to wipe the training equipment after use and disposal bins are always available; placed by the black board floor

  • Hand-washing facilities, including soap and clean towels/disposable towels, are well maintained

  • Sandals or flip flops should be worn by coaches and their clients off the mats and especially while using the toilets

  • Training mats should be cleaned daily with floor disinfectant or/and after each training session whenever possible

  • Bins for disposal of tissues are provided

  • Regular cleaning of frequently touched hard surfaces such as door handles, keypads, sink taps, training equipment and of hands will therefore help to reduce the risk of infection.

  • Changing rooms maintained clean and safe for clients to use; no changing clothes, training gears or towels left behind,

  • Training floor (mats and black board) cleaned daily with floor disinfectant

  • Toilets sinks, taps, floor wiped daily with disinfectant spray and floor cleaner

  • Floor mop changed weekly (each day cleaned in the hot water); separate floor mop mats and toilets and hallway and changing rooms


As all contact sport and Martial Arts training is returned it is important for students to be aware of the possible outcome of close contact with others.


  • The closer the physical contact, the more likely infection is to spread from one person to another.

  • The risk of spread of infection in any environment or settings with large turnover of people is related to the size of the groups of people that interact with each other.

  • The larger the number of people in a group the more people are placed at risk if infection is accidentally introduced.

  • These issues are brought into sharper focus during a pandemic, but the principles are not different from those that apply to fitness and leisure centres at any time.

  • Most people understand that some level of risk of infection is unavoidable as a part of a normal everyday life.

Therefore, it is important that clients and students attending the Wild Geese classes and using the facility for training have a clear understanding of the benefits and risk of using such facility and that it is not possible to guarantee that infection can be prevented in any setting either in a sport centre, work or in a home.


Standard infection prevention and control procedures in a gym setting are always important but even more so in a pandemic situation. A heightened awareness by staff (coaches and trainers) and their clients is required so that they know how to protect each other and how to recognise and report symptoms of COVID-19 infection.


How to help prevent spread of all respiratory infections including COVID-19

Current information shows that COVID-19 can spread easily from people who have symptoms. It also can spread to some degree from an infected person even before they develop any symptom

For these reasons, this guidance is based on few key points:

  • Greater attention to hand hygiene. Wash your hands regularly. Wash your hands with soap and running water.

  • Respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with a clean tissue when you cough and sneeze and then promptly dispose of the tissue in a bin and wash your hands. If you do not have a tissue, cough, or sneeze into the bend of your elbow instead, not into your hand.

  • Cleaning

  • Staff members that are ill not to attend work and to follow HSE guidance on self-isola tion.

  • Clients/students not to attend any training sessions if they have symptoms of a viral respiratory infection or if there is someone in the household suspected or known to have COVID-19

  • Staff members not to present for work if they have been identified as a Contact of a person with COVID-19.

  • Clients/students not to attend any training sessions if they have been tested positive for COVID 19 and to notify their coaches

  • Staff members that develop symptoms at work to bring this to the attention of Paul Cox and their clients/students that they were in recent contact with promptly and to follow HSE guidance on self-isolation

  • Promote good hand and respiratory hygiene as described above and display posters throughout the facility.


What to do if there is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in Wild Geese

  • All individuals (staff and clients) with symptoms of COVID-19 should contact their GP for further advice and follow the instructions provided by HSE

  • The HSE Public Health staff will also be in contact individually with anyone who has been in contact with the case to provide them with appropriate advice.

  • Symptomatic people should self-isolate and arrange to get tested for COVID-19.


Managing rubbish if a person is diagnosed with COVID-19

  • All personal waste including used tissues and all cleaning waste should be placed in a plastic rubbish bag.

  • The bag should be tied when it is almost full and then place it into a second bin bag and tied.

  • Once the bag has been tied securely it should be left somewhere safe. The bags should be left for three days before collection by the waste company.


More guidelines related to COVID -19 provided by HSE, link below








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