In Defence of……..Steady State Cardio
This form of exercise has had a horrendous time of it lately, fat loss coaches, muscle building coaches and functional fitness guru’s...
In Defence of……..Steady State Cardio
Get Strong Despite Training at a Commercial Gym
Training Log – 8/2/11
A Kettlebell Related Injury
Foundations and Structure
Drop and Give Me…..!
Challenge Workout
Strength, Conditioning & Martial Arts
Can you survive the Lunges Of Death?
Man, I feel Electric!
Bodyweight for Upper Body Strength
Sandbags, Boot Camps and the Warrior Mindset
What is Functional Training?
Putting The Boot In
Postural Awareness Workshop – 29th May
Training For Kettlebell Sport
31 ways to know you’re a TRULY dedicated trainer…
Improvise, Adapt and Overcome
Upcoming Kettlebell Workshops
Becoming a Kettlebell Coach